On reading

A call to serious reading (part two)

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In part one we saw that every believer would benefit by cultivating a balanced reading habit. Following are three suggestions for a balanced reading habit. Read critically Critical thinking is not only an essential life skill; it's a biblical command (1 Thessalonians 5:21). According to Stephen Lucas (The Art of Public Speaking, glossary), critical thinking is "focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences

A call to serious reading (part one)

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If you had the opportunity to spend several hours with any leader in the world, would you take it? Probably all of us would jump at the chance. You may not have the opportunity to spend a few hours with them in person, but chances are, you could do it in a book. By reading, you can spend hours of one-on-one time with some of the greatest—and busiest—men who've ever lived. You can sit next

2023 Reading Challenge
Jason has read 5 books toward their goal of 40 books.

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Jason's bookshelf: read

it was amazing
I often disagree with Chesterton's views, but I always value his sharp clarity and crisp expression. He has an ability to cut through the fog and reframe a matter in the simplest, albeit often paradoxical, terms. And I find his convictio...
The Mighty Weakness of John Knox
really liked it
It's hard to call this a biography since it spends only about 25 pages outlining the life of Knox. I'm not sure whether this is all the information that history has passed to us or whether the author has just chosen to be succinct. The r...
