Music, being perhaps one of the most controversial issues in Christianity today, brings up a lot of questions. Many of them deserve to be answered personally and honestly.
Is bigger, louder, more majestic… better?
When I listen to sacred music throughout the week, am I using it for entertainment?
If I like it, does that mean I should listen to it?
If I like it, does that mean I shouldn’t listen to it?
If I don’t like it, does that mean I shouldn’t listen to it?
If I don’t like it, does that mean I should listen to it?
Does culture play a part in what I like to listen to? Am I conditioned?
Can I change my conditioning?
Do I really worship in the worship service?
Do I pray when the song is a prayer?
About Jason Harris
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these are really good questions…. are they the ones you’re using at your conference?
Not really. Just some questions to get us thinking. Thinking is good. There’s lots of it to be done. =D
thinking? *looks around confused* what’s THAT?? =P
at least someone is. lol.
Would be nice to have the answers to this, another blawg post perhaps?
By perhaps, Jason means: No. :) Thought provoking questions. Very nice.