Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
The country whence the shadows fall
Several years ago, a friend shared a story with me from a book he'd been reading to his children. He spoke of a land full of shadows—shadows of a country more real than the one we now know. I went to the library and requested the book, The Golden Key by George MacDonald. You can read the text online here. I've come to realise that we live in a shadow land too. All about us
On confrontation and self-love
I was reading through Paul Tripp's Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands earlier and was struck by his thoughts on confrontation. Our failure to confront one another biblically must be seen for what it is: something rooted in our tendency to run after god-replacements. We confront unbiblically (or not at all) because we love something else more than God. Perhaps we love our relationship with this person so much that we don't want to risk it.
Designer furniture and monks
I recently read an article about designer furniture on a domestic flight in China. In summary: 1) The wealthy in China have property and technology, 2) Furniture will be the next status symbol, and 3) Buying furniture from China is unacceptable (this is ironic considering where the rest of the world buys its furniture). The article informed and established an emerging benchmark for determining wealth and status. Living in Australia, we are exposed to this
Apologetics resources
I first realised the need for apologetics during a mission team trip in New York. I was 18 and enthusiastically witnessing to an elderly man in a park, when he challenged the Bible's reliability with an issue I had not considered. We soon ended the conversation and I was left to wonder, "What should I have said?" Perhaps you have encountered a similar situation. In fact, the world constantly questions what you believe. Our faith