Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
The British tabloid News of the World recently exposed Sarah Ferguson accepting a bribe in return for trade influence with her former husband. Their “investigative journalism” or entrapment did not ingratiate the former royal family member to the common man. Perhaps your dinnertime conversation included something like this: “that’s what you have to expect from people with a lot of influence” or “you’ll do anything for money.” King David used his influence to send an
Doing hard things
Jessica Watson's solo world voyage was a remarkable success, especially considering her young age. Sixteen year-old Jessica sailed non-stop for over 200 days and 20,000 nautical miles. Prior to this journey, she had already gained over 10,000 miles of sailing experience. Jessica's ambition and abilities are unusual, compared to most teens. Still, her achievement has reminded the world that teens can do hard things. This is refreshing, because our society seems to lower the bar
A Christian self image
I've been meaning to finish up my series on self image for a long time now. You can see the first two posts here and here. Those two posts lay the groundwork for this one. I'm going to try to summarise a Christian self image succinctly. 1) God made you and what he made was good. You are made in God's image. By God. And what he made was good. Your right to exist comes
Talking with God
I enjoy personal and corporate prayer. I enjoy reading prayers in the Scriptures and the prayers of men and women who love God. I pray before meals and when I’m in the car. I try to follow the Biblical pattern of adoration, confession, and intercession. Something most unusual happened today. I was worried about a work issue. And I told God about it. For the sake of this article, I would like to make a