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Should pastors blog? (An interview with Bob Bixby)
Part of the purpose of InFocus is to develop the Australian blogosphere. We do this by providing an Australian section in our blogroll, by linking generously to Australian blogs, and by encouraging Australian readers, thinkers, and theologians to blog. I want to further support this purpose by focusing today on the question "Should pastors blog?" I've interviewed two pastors to ask them this question. Today's interview is with Bob Bixby. Jason Harris interviews Bob Bixby
God and his word
I’ve appreciated Jason’s ongoing series on the King James Version and I marvel at how the ensuing discussion alternates between a fight between kung-fu masters and schoolboys in a fight. I would like to posit the following as my contribution to this series: Almost five hundred years ago, a boat set sail from the Continent loaded with a cargo of barrels for England. To the observer, the barrels would seem like any other cargo on
Earthquake in Japan
"Terrible, isn't it?" The cashier girl commented on the newspaper I was browsing, referring to the events in Japan this week. "Yes it is… what do you think about it?" I asked. The girl pondered for a moment. "Seems like we're out of harm's way here in Sydney!" Leaving the shop, I wondered how the rest of us are thinking about Japan's earthquake, as we view the stream of dramatic video and photos from the
Matt Chandler, Together for the Gospel 2010: "Just because somebody speaks at this or that [conference/church/event] doesn't mean they're a sell-out. If they get the opportunity to open up the gospel, even in shady areas, they would be fools to not take advantage of that. They'd be fools to not take advantage of that. So you can share the stage with theological craziness if what you're doing then is opening up the word of God