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Does Jesus Exist?
did Jesus exist?

Are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth?

The Jesus who was and is
the Jesus
      who was and is

Have you thought through the implications of the historical existence of Jesus?

Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?
Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?

Was Jesus just a great teacher who was deified after his death?

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The minor minor prophets

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It was the deliberate opinion of Charley Bates, the pickpocket, that Bill Sikes' dog was 'an out-and-out Christian.' 'He wouldn't so much as bark in a witness-box for fear of committing himself; no, not if you tied him up in one, and left him there without vittles for a fortnight,' added the Artful Dodger. 'He's an out-and-out Christian,' said Charley. I do not quite understand why I have begun this chapter with Bill Sikes' dog.

On discussion in the blogosphere

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I had intended to post the next selection from the writings of F. W. Boreham today, but I've pushed it back to tomorrow because of how last week's discussions here at InFocus (see here and here) and Jeremy's post yesterday have raised the issue of online discussion. I think there is value in taking some time to think this through again here. My goal in today's post is twofold. First, I want to explain some

Heart matters

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When I purchased my last car (a Mazda 6) there was a tense battle between my head and my heart. My heart wanted the luxury model with leather seats, sunroof, and Bose sound system. My head said the mid-range classic version was better economic value. In the end, my head won. The 6 is a great looking car and a pleasure to drive. However, every time I pull up to the lights next to a

Spurgeon’s text

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It was the first Sunday of the New Year, and this was how it opened! On roads and footpaths the snow was already many inches deep; the fields were a sheet of blinding whiteness; and the flakes were still falling as though they never meant to stop. As the caretaker fought his way through the storm from his cottage to the chapel in Artillery Street, he wondered whether, on such a wild and wintry day,