Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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The all seeing eye
One of my college professors announced that he had concluded that Christians no longer believed in the omniscience of God. Initially, I paused and thought, "What do you mean we don't believe in the all powerful, all knowing, all present God? Of course we believe it, those terms are in our doctrinal statement." However, his accusation was profound. In his many years he had observed human nature and especially Christian behaviour. We act differently—sinfully—when we
When God hurts us
I spoke at a family camp at Crystal Creek Christian Camp over the weekend. If you've ever been there, you know the blessing it is to fellowship with God's people around the word in such beautiful surroundings. In one of my sessions, I spoke about the night Jacob encountered God in an all-night wrestling match. As the sun rose the following morning, Jacob walked away with what he had fought for... but he walked with
Eleven reasons I love reading Christian biographies
1) I find biographies easy to read when I'm too worn out to read heavier genres like theology, philosophy, history, etc. 2) I get to "hang out" with and learn from men and women who lived exceptional lives. 3) I get to experience places and cultures and events through the written page that I will never experience personally. 4) I learn about history, not from mere factual statements about geopolitical events, but by immersing myself
What is the future for Israel?
Today, 23 September, 2011, is the day that Palestine will ask the United Nations to vote on its statehood. I have no idea whether this request will be passed or vetoed; and whether its aftermath will be peaceful or violent. However, 63 years after the establishment of modern Israel, its existence continues to be a hot issue in both the secular and religious worlds. From a secular standpoint Modern Israel was established in 1948 by