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Five great theological themes of the gospel: Regeneration (part six)
If you've ever played paintball, you're probably familiar with the idea of regeneration.1 After a player has "died," he must make his way to the "dead zone." After a set time has passed, he is regenerated and may re-enter the field of play. Spiritual zombies In order to understand why regeneration is necessary, you have to understand that man is born dead. This is what Jesus was talking about when he said to Nicodemus "you
Love a good sex scandal?
The rise of sex scandals in modern life is amazing and sad. While nothing shocks me anymore, I continue to be disappointed by the number of leaders—Christian and non-Christian—who lack integrity at high levels. It does seem that absolute power corrupts, and that corruption usually takes the form of sexual abuse. So when the details of sex scandals emerge, we minions gobble the juicy details up. The whole business model of gossip magazines are built
Where can I find books by F. W. Boreham?
I recently completed a series of posts on the life of the top selling Australian author of all time—F. W. Boreham. I wanted to help you get a feel for this guy and get hooked on his writing! If you did, you might be interested in getting a copy of some of his books. In this post, I've compiled a list of resources on the life of F.W. Boreham. It is by no means exhaustive.
Five great theological themes of the gospel: Justification (part five)
We the unjust The reason justification is necessary is that we are not just and we cannot be just. We have rebelled against God and we do rebel against him. The godliest saint has a deep-seated bent toward rebellion.1 God hates sin. His wrath rests on those who rebel against him.2 God's perfect justice demands that sinners be condemned for their crimes against him. God the just The great concern in justification is how God