Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,
The prayer of a seventeen year old Quaker girl
I stumbled across this prayer one morning during my devotional time. It caused me to think about the way I pray. I found myself asking questions like, “Do I see myself as God sees me?”, “Do I appreciate what God has done for me?”, and “Do I want to let God remove these proud tendencies from?” Sadly, I couldn’t answer these questions correctly. This prayer challenged me to think carefully as to how to pray
Lessons from a shopping mall
I remember walking into a shopping mall for the very first time and was overtaken by the size of the mall and the variety of shops that lay before me. I remember feeling very lost and very alone. This feeling was alleviated somewhat when I saw the blessed directory. Like all good directories, this directory helped give me bearings in regards to where I was and showed me exactly where I needed to go. It
Postmodernism: Coming to a theatre near you
DISCLAIMER: The fact that a movie is referred to in this post does not imply that the movie is recommended by the editor, the blogging team, the GMT leadership team, any particular local church, or my pet gecko. Complaints may be directed to my pet gecko. The most influential preachers of our day do not stand behind pulpits. No. Instead their audiences pay to be preached at. It's hard to find a movie with an
Our help in time of need
Over the last two weeks I’ve found that human reasoning and efforts fail. Especially when trying to resolve spiritual problems which are deep seated in the lives of people. It has been brought to my attention that in times like these, when all human reasoning and efforts fail and crumble to the ground, God is the only help! How glad would it make God if we depended wholly upon Him, truly seeking His way and