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What big picture?
“He’s missing the forest for the trees” is a saying which means that a person can get so caught up with the details that they end up missing the main point. Time and time again I have seen myself fall into this trap where the little things, though important, become the only focus in life. Sadly, as a result, I miss the big picture. This is so true when it comes to planning my daily
The God-man is bleeding
I spoke to a man recently who came from a Charismatic background. He was looking for evidence of the Spirit in the form of healings and miracles. Then I watched a movie. A typical Christian movie. It was full of signs and miracles and changed lives, but not even one time did they explain the gospel that rescues sinners. Not once! So I sat down to write... The religious world in our day is infatuated
Learn from a swan
(I am traveling in the US until mid-February, so my initial posts will be based on books I've read recently.) The Legacy of Sovereign Joy is one of Piper's biographical series, The Swans Are Not Silent. The series title comes from Augustine's successor, Eraclius. Augustine was an excellent teacher, and Eraclius felt small and inadequate as he preached in Augustine's presence. Eraclius remarked, "The cricket chirps, the swan is silent." This book surveys these "famous
Dare we call ourselves postmoderns?
Get this quotation from D. A. Carson: Thoughtful Christians will not want to align entirely with either modernism or postmodernism, of course, but the kindness of God in His “common grace” ensures that there are useful things in both epistemological structures that a Christian may usefully exploit, and things in both structures to confront. This comes out in his discussion on Challenges for 21st-Century Preaching (HT). The question is, if we choose not to "align