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Does Jesus Exist?
did Jesus exist?

Are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth?

The Jesus who was and is
the Jesus
      who was and is

Have you thought through the implications of the historical existence of Jesus?

Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?
Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?

Was Jesus just a great teacher who was deified after his death?

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InFocus Australia


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Australia: A New History of the Great Southern Land

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Why do we celebrate Australia Day? Based on a 2006 federal survey of 10,000 Year 10 students and 10,000 Year 6 students, more than three-quarters of Australian teens did not know that Australia Day commemorates the First Fleet's arrival and British settlement (but you knew that, right?). If you have only a basic or faded knowledge of Australia's past, but would like to learn more, you would benefit from reading this book. Here's a review:


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Hosea, the minor prophet, ministered in a time when the Northern kingdom was enjoying peace and prosperity. Unfortunately with this prosperity came great moral decay and as a result, Israel forsook their God and worshiped idols. So God instructed Hosea to marry Gomer, a “wife of whoredom” (1:2), to be an example to Israel of their great unfaithfulness. Despite their great unfaithfulness, the book of Hosea shows the depths of God’s love for his people, a

He knows we’re frail

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“He knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.” –Psalm 103:14 Times of difficulty and suffering remind us that we are frail. 1. We are spiritually frail. Those moments when we feel most strong and stable can be so close to those moments when we stumble and fail. We are prone to rebellion and idolatry. Our hearts are deceitful and wicked. 2. We are physically frail. There are a thousand dangers that could throw

Why Men Hate Going to Church

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Why Men Hate Going To Church. David Murrow. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005. 248pp. I was required to read this book and I opened it with curiosity, as I often interact with guys who have no interest in church. The short answer is that the book was frustrating but did provide a handful of practical suggestions for ministry to men. The book contains six parts: 1. Why men hate going to church (describes the problem) 2.