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Does Jesus Exist?
did Jesus exist?

Are there grounds to question the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth?

The Jesus who was and is
the Jesus
      who was and is

Have you thought through the implications of the historical existence of Jesus?

Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?
Did the Jesus of the Bible exist?

Was Jesus just a great teacher who was deified after his death?

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X leads, why?

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“Leadership is a word on everyone’s lips. The young attack it and police seek it. Experts claim it and artists spurn it, while scholars want it… bureaucrats pretend they have it, politicians wish they did. Everybody agrees that there is less of it that there used to be” –Warren Bennis Thanks to those who have submitted a definition or at least have thought through the idea of leadership. It really is one of those ‘roles’

Why they think we’re dangerous (and why they might be right)

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The word "fundamentalist" tends to invoke fear and disdain in modern Australian culture. To be labeled a fundamentalist is to wear a stain, to be marked as intellectually inferior and a menace to society. In short, society thinks we're dangerous. But why? Probably the biggest reason modern society believes we're dangerous is because we are so committed to a literal interpretation of God's word that we are willing to let Scripture trump all other sources

Why the gospel is good news

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I'm reading John Piper's God is the Gospel, where he asks: "Why is the gospel good news?" The reason this must be asked is that there are seemingly biblical answers that totally ignore the gift of God himself. A person may answer, "Being forgiven is good news because I don't want to go to hell." Or a person may answer, "Being forgiven is good news because a guilty conscience is a horrible thing, and I

Y Lead

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For the next eight months, I have been privileged to be part of the YLead program. This program is designed to help young Anglicare staff from various positions of leadership to develop the understanding of what it may mean for them to exercise more effective and sustainable leadership in their own lives, communities, churches, or workplaces. The intensive began on the weekend that just went by. The intensive was experiential, practical and encouraging. The design