I was looking into the life of Australian evangelist Lionel B. Fletcher this afternoon and was amazed to discover that there was no Wikipedia entry for him. I then spent a considerable portion of said afternoon setting that right!
I first “met” Fletcher at Bible college when we were assigned to write a review of a Christian biography. My lecturer, David Hill, singled me out and assigned me to read Fletcher’s Mighty Moments (his autobiography). I’m glad that he did. I’m currently reading through another of Fletcher’s books, Effective Evangelism and plan to read Malcolm’s biography of Fletcher, Twelve Hours in a Day, soon.
In the process of writing Fletcher’s Wikipedia entry, I came across this stunning piece of information. According to Charles Malcolm, Fletcher’s biographer, there were—conservatively estimated—over 250,000 professed conversions under Fletcher’s ministry. That blew me away.
Now of course it’s not just about numbers. And of course some of those professions were no doubt false. But the sheer magnitude of that number suggests that this is one Australian who has not received the attention of which his life may be worthy.
I would encourage you to head on over to the new Lionel B. Fletcher page on Wikipedia and get to know this Australian evangelist. Also, I would love to see some of you who know much more about him than I do contribute to the page so the details can be filled in and preserved for others to discover.
Grace to you.
About Jason Harris