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InFocus Publications presents The Doctrine of Scripture by Jason Harris! This book is a careful look at what Scripture says about Scripture as it relates to the transmission and preservation of the text and what that implies for the versions debate. The Doctrine of Scripture is designed to give you a grasp of this crucial doctrine and to equip you to discern error.

You can grab your copy of The Doctrine of Scripture at or in Australia you can get it here.

We will be posting additional information about this book in coming days.



This is not an inspirational book. It’s a hands-on, 44-page guide for living your life deliberately in 2017. But it is rooted in some inspirational truths.

This is how the introduction starts:

You get one life. Just one. You live it. You use it up. And then it”™s gone.

Your one life is precious. It”™s short. It”™s fragile. And it”™s permanent. It”™s precious because it”™s an irreplaceable, customised gift from God himself. It”™s short because it precedes the infinity of eternity. It”™s fragile because it could end at any moment. It”™s permanent because it”™s unrepeatable, irreversible, and has implications for you and others for as long as God lives.

This is not a practise run. There is no “take two.” There is no backspace on the keyboard of life. The moments come, they pass, and then they are gone. Like a waterfall, the moments gush relentlessly by, plunging over the precipice of the present and into history”™s abyss. And you never get them back.

You get one life. How are you using it?

The practices in this book have shaped my life. And I’m convinced they can transform yours.

You can download your free copy here.

Grace to you.



From InFocus Publications…

Jason Harris”™ book Theological Meditations on the Gospel is a wonderful introduction to the great themes of the Gospel. This book is well suited for the recently converted Christian, the curious teen and any believer who desires a clear, concise compendium of the salvation message. So many Christians appear to cruise through their lives without taking an active interest in the workings of their salvation. This book prompts the believer to seriously consider and study the core elements of the faith, and understand them for all their worth. I am thankful for Jason”™s zeal for the gospel and his willingness to publish gleanings from his personal studies. Don”™t just read this book for its academic value, read it again and again until the truths become more than just a mental exercise and you can truly say “What a God!”

Daniel Kriss
Pastor, Mount Cathedral Community Baptist Church

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Kindle eBook also available.

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God uses weakness to show his strength. That is not the topic of this book. No, it’s how this book came to be. God allowed a period of time in my life recently when I felt useless. I had few opportunities to minister and my faith was being tested. It was during this time that I wrote this material, and later, decided to publish it as a book.

This brief book is a collection of meditations on the theology of the gospel. The process of writing and editing this collection has been an exercise in preaching to myself. Many times I’ve stopped to beg God for eyes to see and savour these realities.

Publishing this book is not about money. It is about sending out one more beam of gospel light into a dark world. My prayer is that this beam will shine brightest in the hearts of bible-believing Christians. It is toward this audience that this beam is directed.

From the back cover

“Have you heard dozens of sermons on the gospel, but still don’t have a clear picture of what fits where and why? These meditations are designed to draw your heart to worship through the simple and clear explanation of the theology of the gospel.”
Now available in two formats!

Trade paperback (CreateSpace, Amazon)
Kindle eBook (Amazon Kindle Store)

I originally intended to offer it as an eBook on Google Play, but have decided to offer the eBook exclusively through the Kindle Store at least for now.
