Last weekend I attended a training seminar on church music, provided through a local Bible institute. Over fifty people attended from various independent churches, including a couple from Melbourne. The topics included the Bible’s emphases on music in the church, musicianship, audio/visual/technical support, and leading church music for congregation, choir, and special programs.
Steve Mayo from Cornerstone Baptist Church preached a closing message from Isaiah 66, pointing out God’s infinite nature and our need for humility under him.
Our church has about a dozen musicians, which is unusual for a new church. They were encouraged and helped by the sessions and the church’s worship will be enhanced as a result. I thank God for the event organisers and workshop speakers—including one Jason Harris!—they did a great job.
Following Jason’s fiery piece on the need for churches to support themselves (amen), this kind of training event is exactly what we need to equip locals to sharpen ministry skills.
About Ben Kwok
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Your first link doesn’t work, but thanks for the post! :)
I love attending music seminars! I just recently attended one (or at least I was told it was going to be a music seminar). It actually turned out to be only learning how to do song leading and I ended up being the only girl there. Was an interesting experience!! :D
thanks — fixed the link :) Sounds like a memorable seminar!