My brother sent me an article from Tony Payne (publishing editor for Matthias Media) that went off like a bomb in my mind. Take five minutes and read it here. Here’s a quote to wet your appetite: But what if our mental image of the congregation was not a network […]
We’ve been doing a study on encouragement by Mattias Media over the past few months in men’s Bible study. One study has a role-play between a regular church attender and a first time visitor. Here are some of the things that were identified in the study: Don’t let “busyness” stop […]
A good friend and mentor taught this personal life lesson to me. No vision, no ability to execute “We’ve tried it before.” “That won’t work here.” “I’m too busy.” It can be very disheartening to meet people who have no vision for God’s work and no heart to see it […]
Five years ago we arrived at the church building on Sunday morning to discover graffiti and smashed eggs across the frontage of the church. As a church community, we mobilised to remove the marks and the eggs on the same day that they were discovered. No problem. Now go to […]
Saturday night I got an email asking if I could help drive our church teens down to Camp Benaiah today for a week of camp. I was thankful for the opportunity to do it because I believe in camp ministry. Here are some of the reasons why… 1. Young people […]
Ok. So, carrying on from where we left off, when it comes to methods in the local church, the most important thing to realise is that the people are the local church. Ministries should be nothing more than structures that allow the body to be the body. Now you are […]
I ended last weeks’ discussion with the question of which church programmes to cut. The answer to this dilemma is to realise that programmes are methods. Here are some thoughts on methods: Methods follow philosophy. In other words, get your programmes in line with your theology. Don’t do anything simply […]
Cutting church programmes. Yeah. It’s something we’ve been talking about a lot at my church. Here’re some thoughts to get you… well, thinking. What’s a good night to do dinner? “Hey John! We should do dinner sometime! What’s a good night?” “Well, Monday night is Bible Institute. Tuesday I help […]