• Our church participated in our monthly bush regeneration project with the local community yesterday. While sitting in the mulch I was thinking about ministers and science. Ministers need to be professionally curious about scientific issues. Ministers are usually able to be conversant on a wide range of issues. Furthermore, most

  • Our church is providing another creation science event, with speaker Dr George Matzko (Bob Jones University). The first topic was “Design in Nature,” which surveyed various ways in which the universe has been precisely planned. Throughout the presentation, it was fascinating to see the precision of God in the natural

  • This week our church in Rouse Hill hosted a creation science event over two nights. Dr George Matzko (Bob Jones University) presented arguments for a young earth and raised challenging questions for evolutionists, using the field of thermodynamics. The meetings were well-attended and included interesting Q&A sessions. Afterward, I chatted

  • Evolution is a theory. A theory. You don’t “discover” a theory, you create it. To say that a theory was “discovered” is nonsensical. Now if by “evolution” you mean micro-evolution (development of a species within itself), a scientific reality which is observable and repeatable, then it would be accurate to