• I’ve been thinking a lot about canonicity and Christian education in the past two weeks. Here’s a side discussion off of what I’ve been reading about. Futurist magazines in the 1950s promised us flying cars and space travel as a commodity. Sixty years later we are no closer to the […]

  • I would like to discuss church history within the context of the independent church movement from a historian’s perspective. Independent churches (by nature of their definition) are not connected to formal denominations. What this means is that the pastoral emphasis is usually on historical personalities or thematic developments correlated to […]

  • Thanks for your comments on the previous post. I would like to expand on the discussion for those of you who would like to know more. A really simple introduction to primary and secondary sources Primary sources are bits and pieces of your life that are accessible to other people. […]

  • The year is 2100 and one of your descendants is doing some research into your life. Because you are not someone of great significance, your descendant will probably find a birthday, time of death, property records, and one or two anecdotes depending on how well you store your digital information […]

  • Martin Luther (1483-1546) was one the most colourful and passionate characters in church history. As a principal reformer, Luther took complex issues and unravelled them into the common vernacular allowing theologians and farmers alike to respond with childlike simplicity to the gospel. We know and love the narrative. The lawyer […]

  • A good friend and mentor taught this personal life lesson to me. No vision, no ability to execute “We’ve tried it before.” “That won’t work here.” “I’m too busy.” It can be very disheartening to meet people who have no vision for God’s work and no heart to see it […]

  • Chances are (if you’re reading this blog) you know about the launch of the Apple iPad. Perhaps you’re curious about its potential for use in a ministry context. Perhaps you have a strong opinion (for or against) based on your technological preference. I own one. Here are my initial thoughts. […]

  • The British tabloid News of the World recently exposed Sarah Ferguson accepting a bribe in return for trade influence with her former husband. Their “investigative journalism” or entrapment did not ingratiate the former royal family member to the common man. Perhaps your dinnertime conversation included something like this: “that’s what […]

  • I enjoy personal and corporate prayer. I enjoy reading prayers in the Scriptures and the prayers of men and women who love God. I pray before meals and when I’m in the car. I try to follow the Biblical pattern of adoration, confession, and intercession. Something most unusual happened today. […]

  • The first time I had the opportunity to “teach” Bible in a public setting was at the age of fourteen. I had ten minutes in a children’s Sunday School class to talk about David & Goliath. As a lifelong church attendee, I drew on a wealth of pulpit rhetoric to […]