The foreword to the newest InFocus Publications book was written by Bob Hayton and follows: Another book on the King James Only debate? Much ink has been spilled and many passions expended in what may be the ugliest intramural debate plaguing conservative, Bible-believing churches today. Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, Baptists and […]
The article below was written by Dr. Andrew Corbett of Finding Truth Matters. He is currently in the process of producing a series of documentaries on the life of F. W. Boreham and provides some brilliant resources on Boreham’s life at his website. Dr. Corbett has generously given permission to […]
By Donna Lynn Hess. Is fantasy a bane or blessing for our children? With the rise of the New Age movement, this question is one of increasing concern to Christian parents. However, before we can judge the value of fantasy, we must first understand its definition and purpose. In a […]
By Steven Mock The first church in Jerusalem was formed in Acts 2 when Peter preached a powerful, Spirit-filled, convicting message. God used Peter’s words to convert 3,000 people who were baptized and started meeting together. Verse 42 tells us they had four priorities as a local church: the apostles’ […]
By Randall Fox “Be filled with the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18 The command to be Spirit-filled is one of the most vital imperatives for the Christian life. Yet one of the most misunderstood and neglected. The meaning of the command to be filled with the Spirit further unfolds as we look […]
“The young man of leadership caliber will work while others waste time, study while others snooze, pray while others daydream. Slothful habits are overcome, whether in thought, deed, or dress. The emerging leader eats right, stands tall, and prepares himself to wage a good warfare. He will without reluctance undertake […]
By David Doran Recent proposals about the nature of Fundamentalism are stirring lively debate. While I have heard of no bloodshed, I am certain that quite a few blood pressures have risen with the discussions. A key term that seems to surface regularly, at least in the discussions to which […]
“A Christian must not be either a Totalitarian or an Individualist. I feel a strong desire to tell you–and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me–which of these two errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors in pairs–pairs of […]
By Charles Spurgeon The tree can do without some of its branches, though the loss of them might be an injury; but it cannot live at all without its roots: the roots are essential; take those away, and the plant must wither. And thus my dear friends, there are things […]
“A country minister in Australia known to this writer was a great book lover. Early in his ministry he determined to develop a biblically and theologically literate congregation. He helped his people learn to love books and led them into progressively deeper and weightier spiritual literature. The result is that […]