• This week our church in Rouse Hill hosted a creation science event over two nights. Dr George Matzko (Bob Jones University) presented arguments for a young earth and raised challenging questions for evolutionists, using the field of thermodynamics. The meetings were well-attended and included interesting Q&A sessions. Afterward, I chatted […]

  • We have four young children. The first two are old enough to grasp the significance of a new arrival in the family, but they cannot yet understand how babies are made. Similarly, I’ve found that many Christians assume new churches are born somehow, without realizing the process of church birth. […]

  • Last week I attended a church planting conference at Moore College with some friends. The event was well-attended with around 150 participants. I interacted with Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist and a few Pentecostal ministers. While we obviously would not agree on various doctrines, I found the meeting to be helpful and […]

  • I’ve recently been thinking about church planting and will present three posts on the topic. I hope this will interest and provoke you, especially if you have not considered or experienced life in a new church. Do We Need More Churches? Based on the National Church Life Surveys, Sydney Anglican […]

  • Ivan Milat is currently serving seven life sentences for murdering seven backpackers, with many other murders attributed to him. He is one of Australia’s most prolific serial killers. Now suppose Milat actually repented and trusted in Christ to forgive him. Then pretend he was miraculously released on parole. How safe […]

  • The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, has been in print for over fifty years and has helped over 10 million writers. With less than 100 pages, this book provides concise instructions and advice concerning grammar, composition, and style. You will probably find it in your […]

  • One bad habit of a Christian is to think of the gospel only as a decision—a commitment which was made years ago. So when he hears the gospel mentioned, he thinks “I’ve done that already,” almost as if God’s message of salvation has no further bearing on his life today. […]

  • Jonah’s story as “the man who ran away from God” is for everybody. Adults identify with Jonah, as we all can admit that we often hear God’s instruction yet rebel against him. Jonah discovered he could not outrun God, which teaches us to stop putting off what God through his […]

  • I’m reading John Piper’s God is the Gospel, where he asks: “Why is the gospel good news?” The reason this must be asked is that there are seemingly biblical answers that totally ignore the gift of God himself. A person may answer, “Being forgiven is good news because I don’t […]

  • A 2007 survey of 5500 Australians aged 14 to 30 reveals: “They have greater disdain for advertising, yet are brand conscious and many actually like living with their parents. This allows them to have the best of both worlds.” … “They clearly like to spend money on the latest gadgets, […]