•   Pro-life speaker Bruce Coleman (Choices Of Life) spoke in our school this week, regarding the value of life and the Christian response to abortion. Several students expressed thanks for the informative and practical presentation, which also prompted me to do some research. Some online statistics I gathered: Australia’s abortion […]

  • I was introduced to biblical archaeology back in seminary. (“What do you mean, Indiana Jones isn’t real?!”) I learned that archaeology is not essential to prove the veracity of the Scriptures, yet archaeology has unearthed many evidences that affirm the Bible’s reliability. Old Testament scholar Walter Kaiser has listed fifteen […]

  • You’ve probably heard sermons on the sins of drunkenness, drug abuse and greed. The Bible also commands us to flee from sexual immorality. So Christians often hear warnings about the contents of TV programs or internet pornography, and rightly so!—because Christians should not be enslaved to immorality, just as we […]

  • Have you ever experienced this? You’re in church, singing with the congregation, and suddenly a line from the text becomes highlighted in your mind. You’re arrested by its truth. The music flows on while your heart is stirred up toward God. You feel a lump in your throat and your […]

  • The Battle of Jericho is one of the Bible’s most unusual war stories, where Jesus in pre-incarnate form appears, sword in hand, before the battle, and the Israelites simply march repeatedly around the city for seven days. The city walls collapse after the blast of trumpets and a shout, and […]

  • I had not heard of English missionary James Fraser until a friend lent me his biography. Here’s an introduction: James Fraser’s parents were Methodists but had separated during his teen years. James grew up with his mother and demonstrated a love for challenges, once walking over 70 kilometres in a […]

  • Your church probably reaches out to children through teaching Scripture classes in public schools, or an AWANA club, or the occasional holiday Bible club. You might already be involved in one of these outreaches. If you’re not, perhaps you should! Here’s a couple statistics to think about: 1. More than […]

  • Each week I teach a few Scripture classes in public schools. I enjoy seeing children learn Bible stories for the first time, since many of the students do not attend any church. Their enthusiasm and curiosity also help me to see the word afresh. Recently we’ve been learning the story […]

  • I feel especially blessed to have attended church from childhood! But one risk of growing up in church is that you can become mentally mechanical during the church service. Communion time is one example. I think many Christians acknowledge the significance of Communion but often feel "in a rut" during Communion. So it's helpful to rethink what is taking place as you participate.

  • I recently read this thoughtful, convicting article by 17th century English pastor Richard Baxter and want to share it here. “The Ten Marks of a Flesh-Pleaser” by Richard Baxter Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts […]