• This week we attended a friend’s ordination and induction at the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland (Sydney congregation in Riverstone). The church had been without a resident pastor for over 30 years, so you could definitely feel the weight of the occasion! It was appropriately solemn, yet also a joyous […]

  • If you lead or help in a church ministry, here are four Australian resources which can assist and encourage you. Matthias Media Matthias Media is a local evangelical publisher with a distinct focus: We’re not the slightest bit interested in adding to the already monumental pile of Christian books churned […]

  • For some of us, it’s easier to talk with God spontaneously during the day: a request here, a thank-you there. To pray anywhere and anytime is an amazing blessing of knowing God. But momentary talks with God are not enough. Imagine a father who comes home and chats for a […]

  • Have you ever wished your church was more effective in evangelism? Or that your church could connect better with your community? You might be interested in these statistics. The 2006 National Church Life Survey found that: Only 16% of those surveyed actively sought opportunities to talk about their faith. Around […]

  • In the 2006 National Church Life Survey, which surveyed 500,000 Australians from 22 denominations: 21 per cent claimed they read their Bibles daily. 14 per cent claimed they read it a few times a week. 24 per cent said they read the Bible occasionally. 18 per cent said they read […]

  • I recently took my family to visit the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. With my sons in hand, we gazed on battle scenes and war memorabilia. The boys were keenly interested in the old guns, tanks and planes. “Look at this one, Daddy! Wow, I’d like to fly that one!” […]

  • I’m currently enjoying John Stott’s great work The Cross of Christ, which is full of helpful insights on the cross as the New Testament’s dominating theme. (A good survey for initial study is Leon Morris’ The Cross In The New Testament) Here’s a couple examples: “Our substitute, then, who took […]

  • For many parents, home schooling is a desirable alternative to consider, especially when educational choices are limited. Here’s some information that may help. In Australia, it is difficult to determine statistics on home school students and their academic performance, due to the small (and often outdated) amount of research. One […]

  • If you recently finished uni or school, you may not be keen to relive those years! Let’s get on with life, right? But it’s worth looking back sometimes, because your school experience has shaped you as a person. Children spend most of their time involved with school (more than church […]

  • I recently read the story of Caleb from Joshua chapter 14. As far as biblical heroes go, I had always considered 85 year-old Caleb to be the hero of elderly believers. But we all can learn from this godly old man: The phrase, “wholly followed the Lord” is repeated three […]