KCC’s Oxygen is becoming, it seems to me, Australia’s premiere evangelical event. This week 1,500+ Christian leaders have gathered in Sydney to rally around the gospel of Jesus Christ. The dominant majority of the preaching and teaching has been contentful, theologically sound, gospel-saturated, and passionately felt. If you’re looking for a place to develop a network of gospel-driven, theologically-inclined, evangelistically-impassioned followers of Jesus the Christ, this is an event you should seriously consider attending when it is held again in a few years time.
KCC has managed, somehow, to strike a balance between the floozy ChristianityTM that offers a contentless gush of niceness masquerading as the Christian faith and the Fundamentalist fight-fest that contends for a gospel it no longer understands. Oxygen is broader than bigotry and more narrow than pop-Christianity. Perfect? Not a chance. Beneficial? Absolutely.
If you want a feel for what I mean, follow our tweet stream here for live coverage of the sessions.
Grace to you,
About Jason Harris