Thanks for stopping by. This is where I share my writing and the things I’m passionate about. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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Ministry: A career or a call?
My day job is all about career development. I help people achieve their goals by analysing their skills, providing development training, and arranging targeted job interviews. It is satisfying to help people grow their careers, achieve their objectives, and increase their pay packets. Ministry: A career? However, I have previously spent time in paid pastoral ministry. One thought that vexes me is "Is appropriate to consider pastoral care a career?" Should not serving the
Grace-based confession
Bobby Emberley is in his last year of his bachelor’s degree programme at Bible college in the US. As a “pastor’s kid” brought up in a fundamental church and Christian school, he is well acquainted with fundamentalism as an insider. When he shared this story with me a few weeks ago, I asked him to write it up for InFocus. His honesty about his struggles to be “in the clear” with God resonate with all
The secret things belong to God
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Rom.11:18 In our day and age a plethora of information and articles are being written on the subject of God’s sovereignty and how it harmonises with the Freewill of man. Every so-called scholar is writing a thesis or dissertation and is seeking to provide some ‘new’ perspective on these ancient doctrines. It is high time that Christians came to
Is health insurance a good investment?
A young couple in a church I attended in the USA claimed they did not need health insurance. God would provide for their needs they firmly believed. When they had a significant car accident and incurred hefty medical bills, the church asked its parishioners (who had been regularly paying their own insurance) to take special offerings to cover the costs of this couples' medical bills. This situation caused a fairly vigorous debate on responsibility