• A number of months ago, David Strain wrote an open letter to “Thomas,” a fictional seminary student struggling with same-sex attraction. I appreciated the tone of his letter. It was a welcome contrast to Phil Johnson’s handling of the topic to which I offered a somewhat salty—but no less intellectually

  • Phil Johnson recently began stirring the pot on the non-neutrality of same-sex attraction (SSA). You can read it here and here. It’s the sort of cantankerous monologue you’d expect from a hard-line fundamentalist like Phil. But he’s finally provoked me enough to get me writing. So that’s something. First, let’s

  • The elephant in the room is sexuality. Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are everywhere. Sex is rarely discussed in churches, but sex is the one issue that dominates our city. Historically Christianity has allowed the world to set the agenda for sexual discussions. Sadly, now the world has gone gaga

  • I recently read Tim Challies’ little book Sexual Detox, which is a great help for Christian men in our pornified culture. The book includes a sobering description of the nature and effects of pornography and masturbation, an overview of God’s plan for sex and sexuality, and practical advice for detox