• One of the challenges Christians face is the “now, but not yet” reality of our salvation. We know that we have been bought by Christ, redeemed by his blood, forgiven by his grace, and set free from the power of sin. Yet we also know that we still live in […]

  • A life principle I try to live by is to not burn bridges. You never know when you will need to cross them again. However, we often live life so pig-headedly that when we have a disagreement, we often go out in a blaze of glory, to accentuate our position. […]

  • Since the fall, we are all destined to die. However we were created to live, not to die. Death is not how God intended this world to be. In creation, death was not natural, but now it is an ugly reality. Anyone working in nursing or aged care can tell […]

  • Idolatry is frequently spoken of in the Bible. Idols of the Old Testament and idols of today (in many non-Western nations) are typically statues to which people ascribed great allegiance. These idols had a strong behavioural influence of the people who worshipped them. In fact, what made them idols was […]

  • Gordon Gekko’s famous slogan from the movie Wall Street came to encapsulate the euphoria of the economic growth of the 1980s. Fast forward to 2010 and his line in Wall Street 2 is “Greed is not only good, it is legal.” The corporation The growth of investment banks, private equity […]

  • Last Saturday night, I had the privilege of attending a Gideons support dinner to raise funds for Bible distribution in Guatemala and Nicaragua. Prior to the evening, my perception of Gideons had been positive yet limited. I knew they had a focus on placing Bibles in hotel rooms, but not […]

  • It is a common question that we often ask new people that we meet. It is an important question, because it reflects our eternal destiny. However, the answer to this question is not as straight forward as we may think. Consider these five possible and yet correct answers to the […]

  • Following on from the discussion regarding the Perils of capitalism, it is worth considering the assumption that democracy is the best form of earthly government. As Australia undergoes Rudd vs. Gillard Part II, many voters are asking the question, “When I voted Rudd in 2007, why did I get Gillard?” […]

  • With the Federal Government currently reviewing the funding arrangements for public and private schools—through the Gonski report—the debate about the merits of various school options is sure to continue. Some of the most animated and controversial comments on Facebook and at church are around the merits of parents’ choice of […]

  • One of most defining features of our time is the rise of the celebrity. Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are famous for being famous. Talent and substance are not required. The ability to draw a crowd or following on Facebook seems to be the only requirement to become a celebrity. […]