• One of the most dramatic testimonies in the Bible is from Daniel in the lions’ den. Daniel said, “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me…” (Daniel 6:22) In today’s world, that would be like standing before a firing squad at close […]

  • When I was a little boy, I liked to ride my bicycle around the street. One day I stopped my bike near some long grass. I heard a rustling sound behind me—something was moving through the grass. I turned around and saw a long brown snake, slithering directly toward me. […]

  • Australian Christian Life Since 1788: An Introduction And Anthology. Iain Murray. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1988. 357 pages. With this book, Iain Murray has provided a great resource for Australian churches and their leaders. Murray wanted to retell the stories of Australian Christians, as he believed that these stories have […]

  • Why do we celebrate Australia Day? Based on a 2006 federal survey of 10,000 Year 10 students and 10,000 Year 6 students, more than three-quarters of Australian teens did not know that Australia Day commemorates the First Fleet’s arrival and British settlement (but you knew that, right?). If you have […]

  • Why Men Hate Going To Church. David Murrow. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005. 248pp. I was required to read this book and I opened it with curiosity, as I often interact with guys who have no interest in church. The short answer is that the book was frustrating but did provide […]

  • (I am traveling in the US until mid-February, so my initial posts will be based on books I’ve read recently.) The Legacy of Sovereign Joy is one of Piper’s biographical series, The Swans Are Not Silent. The series title comes from Augustine’s successor, Eraclius. Augustine was an excellent teacher, and […]